Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a serious illness brought on by a bacterial infection. The infection is initiated by the bite of deer tick and can cause a number of dangerous symptoms—even death. The worst aspect of Lyme disease is that it can stay with a person for years after contraction. Treatment should be sought as quickly as possible to prevent further propagation of more severe symptoms.

The deadly deer tick

The deer tick is a tiny bug that can cause huge damage to the human body. These ticks carry the Borrelia bacteria which wreaks havoc on the nervous system. This bacteria is not contagious, but it can be easily contracted by merely one bite from a deer tick. Hunters in forested areas are especially in danger of contracting the disease because they are out in the wild so much. There are also seasons when the deer tick is especially active—as they prefer dry warm weather.

Symptoms of Lyme disease

Symptoms of Lyme disease include the following:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Delusional fevers and even hallucinations
  • Dizziness
  • An upset stomach
  • Watery eyes

Another major symptom to look out for is a large red rash on the skin where the bite took place. Any of these symptoms warrant an immediate visit to the emergency room where treatment can be sought.

Later symptoms

The problem with Lyme disease is that it does not just go away after being treated. Victims of this condition have complained years later of other symptoms—all of which have been related to the initial diagnosis. Joint pain is not uncommon in Lyme disease victims and can occur months or even years after contraction of the disease. The brain is also affected by Lyme disease and later symptoms can include severe fatigue, general disorientation, and memory loss.

This is not a disease that should be taken lightly. First of all, precautions must be taken when going out into areas where the deer tick is common. Second of all, it is important to recognize the symptoms of Lyme disease in case it is contracted. This is especially important because the sooner treatment is sought, the less damage the body will undergo. Finally, it must be recognized that later symptoms do occur. Preparation for these symptoms is of utmost importance to prevent panic or unnecessary medical costs to the patient.

Posted by November 22nd, 2016