Why you should not use free essays available online

Using free essays online may not be the best option in some cases. They may offer some ideas for potential topics but they may not serve as good study models for a number of reasons. They are available for view 24/7 by thousands of students; meaning, there is no idea who already accessed the content and/or where it originally came from. The following points are reasons why many are encouraged to avoid using free essays online.

Content May Be Copied By another Student

While it is great to be able to access free essays online, you cannot be too sure who else is accessing them and what they could be doing with them. In some cases students may see this as an opportunity to copy work word-for-word or try to rewrite the content and call it their own. You should consider free essays online as an example or sample model to help you write your own content. Consider using free essays to help you get ideas on what to write.

Essays May Have Errors or Mistakes to Avoid

Some students may not be aware of mistakes and errors hidden within the text. Free content may or may not be edited and proofread. In this case you will want to be cautious on how you view written content. As you read the essay, be on the lookout for possible errors in punctuation, grammar, word usage, and other technical writing aspects. This can help you learn what to avoid while writing your own essay. Because some students may not be aware of possible errors they may try to do the same thing on their own paper.

They May Not Be Written in the Manner You Need to Write Your Own

You may have guidelines to follow for your essay but the free essay may not be written in similar fashion. Try to avoid getting confused on what you should do versus what the free essay shows. Even if certain aspects of the essay seem to fit along your essay guidelines, it does not mean the essay is a good example for you to follow. Just review free content for what it is to help you get some leverage on what you need to do for your own project. At least the free essay gives an idea of what you should work toward when writing.

Posted by November 23rd, 2016