5 successful tips for concluding compare contrast essay papers

Referred to by some as simply a comparison essay, the compare contrast essay paper examines the similarities of and differences between two objects, concepts, or constructions. Some of these essays may emphasize either similarities or differences; whether your essay does this, or whether it presents a more balanced view, depends on the specific assignment you were given. To write a successful compare contrast essay, you have probably followed a strategy which included forming a thesis, creating an introduction, presenting the two topics, and then addressing their similarities, and addressing their differences in the body of the paper. Before your compare contrast essay can be considered complete, however, you’ll need to write a strong conclusion. Here are five tips to help you accomplish just that.

  1. Paraphrase the Main Idea of the Essay
  2. Here, you’ll need to restate your thesis one more time. To avoid redundancy which can result in an awkward tone, keep in mind that your voice in the conclusion should have evolved from your voice in the introduction of the paper. When you presented your thesis in the introduction, it wasn’t a foregone conclusion—it was open to interpretation and required support. Your conclusion, however, should state your thesis firmly, because it’s already been supported.

  3. Add Your Opinions
  4. Enhance your conclusion by taking the time to express your own opinions. While the body of the paper required you to emphasize support from outside sources, you have more freedom in the conclusion to express yourself.

  5. Hold the Reader’s Interest
  6. The most pertinent support for your thesis has been covered in the body of the paper, but that doesn’t stop you from adding a new piece of information, particularly something that is intriguing, interesting, or fun. A noteworthy quote, a brief narrative, or an entertaining anecdote might have been less than appropriate in the body of the paper, but they can fit well in a conclusion.

  7. Stay Focused
  8. While you can introduce opinion, self-expression, and a fun fact or two, keep in mind that the scope of the conclusion itself is very limited. It’s not a time to expand upon your topic or present new arguments.

  9. Give the Reader Something to Ponder
  10. You can, however, end on a note which gives your reader something further to consider. This need not be an expansion of your own ideas, but simply another question related to topic.

Posted by November 22nd, 2016
